Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 726
Title: Wollangambe River Unnamed Tributary
Start date: 12 Aug 2016
Licence Condition
Source Investigation and remediation (a) By 15 August 2016, the licensee must apply bentonite to seal leachate dam 2. Upon completion, testing must be undertaken to ensure a permeability standard of at least 1 x 10-9 m/s has been achieved. Test results are to be provided to the EPA as soon as they are available. (b) By 19 August 2016 the licensee must complete an integrity assessment of the pipework associated with leachate dam 2 and its connection to the leachate borehole to identify any potential leaks. (c) By 2 September 2016, the licensee will conduct and have completed all works necessary to prevent leaks from any pipework associated with leachate dam 2 and its connection to the leachate borehole.
Sampling Requirements - volumetric flow and water quality Volumetric flow is be determined. Water quality parameters (analytes) to be analysed, for both Total and Acid Extractable concentrations, include: Suspended solids, pH, salinity (EC); Fluoride; Macronutrients: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium; and Aluminium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, nickel, sulphur, zinc.Sampling Locations Sampling is required to be undertaken at the following locations: Upstream of the leachate dam 2; Leachate dam 2; and The two (2) sampling sites labelled as 4 & 5 immediately below Leachate dam 2 indicated in Attachment 2 Unnamed Tributary Sampling Sites of correspondence dated 29 July 2016 received by the EPA on 29 July 2016 (DOC16/396688). Volumetric flow is to be determined at sampling sites 4 & 5 immediately below Leachate dam 2 indicated in Attachment 2 Unnamed Tributary Sampling Sites of correspondence dated 29 July 2016 received by the EPA on 29 July 2016 (DOC16/396688). Sampling Frequency Samples are to be collected commencing on 19th August 2016, then continue to sample at the frequency below or until advised or agreed to by the EPA: 26th August 2016 9 September 2016; 23 September 2016; 7 October 2016; 7 November 2016; 7 December 2016; 7 January 2016; and 7 February 2016.
Groundwater monitoring By 23 September 2016, the licensee must install a groundwater monitoring well/s to determine depth and quality of groundwater in proximity to the REA and leachate dam 2, to assess any impact to groundwater from leachate dam 2.
Reporting (a) The licensee, starting on Monday 15 August 2016 and by no later than 1700 hours and weekly thereafter and until further notice, must provide the EPA with a report that outlines the actions taken to comply with the requirements of this Pollution Reduction program. (b) Monitoring results must be provided to the EPA within two (2) weeks of the sampling required by condition U2.2 above.